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藍染め / Indigo Dying / La Tintura con l'Indaco

益子では焼き物に限らず手仕事が盛んです。 Not only the pottery, but various hand crafts are popular in Mashiko. Non solo le ceramiche, ma vari artigianati sono popolari in Mashiko.   城内坂交差点の北東角にある紺屋(こうや)「日下田藍染工房」は 1789年に創業しました。世界史でいうとフランス革命が起こった年です。 The Higeta Indigo Studio, which is located at the northeast corner of Jonaizaka crossroad,  was established in 1789. It's when the French Revolution occurred. Lo studio dell'indaco Higeta, che si trova all'angolo nordest dell'incrocio Jonaizaka,  e' stato fondato nel 1789. E' nello stesso anno quando la rivoluzione francese e' stata successa. 日本人の衣料生活に木綿が入ってきたのが戦国時代の終わりから江戸時代にかけて。 木綿に適した藍染めは、「ジャパンブルー」と呼ばれるほどに普及しましたが、 合成染料に押されて衰退していきます。 The cotton entered into Japanese clothing life from the end of Sengoku period to Edo period. The indigo dying suited for the cotton clothes and became so popular as it is called "Japan Blue". However, it has been declining because of the invention of the synth...


陶器市 / Pottery Fair / La fiera delle ceramiche

花見 / Hanami

一歩 / one step / un passo